Elon Musk’s Awkward Tweet: Impregnation Proposal to Taylor Swift?

In a bizarre twist of events that could only happen on social media, Elon Musk decided to tweet a rather out there proposition to Taylor Swift on a Tuesday night, after she endorsed Kamala Harris. It seems Elon isn’t just aiming for Mars; he’s aiming for Taylor’s heart–or at least her maternity ward. Can you say ‘awkward?’ Swift, in her Instagram post, humorously signed off as “Childless Cat Lady” (we love a queen who knows how to brand herself!), but to Elon, this was apparently an invitation to throw his hat into the baby-making ring. Because who wouldn’t find that charming? It’s like proposing over a pizza: totally delicious but utterly inappropriate. Now, as if the drama of the tweet wasn’t enough, we’ve got a plot twist! Elon claims he’s ditching San Francisco—effective just a couple of days later—but don’t worry folks! He’ll still be making his employees work from home like everyone else during a pandemic. Really sticking to those traditional values, huh? Back to the tweet: Musk, treating this like some sort of romantic comedy butterfly effect, tweeted in response to another user that we’ve all witnessed “an Elon vs. Taylor Swift election now.” Because when I think of critical elections, I think of quirky billionaires and pop star romances. What’s next? A musical debate? As Elon chuckled at his own social awkwardness—complete with a laugh emoji—Twitter users cringed in unison, dubbing his advances “skin crawlingly creepy.” And let’s be real: if you’re a guy who has fathered 12 kids with three women and is constantly trotting out the ‘population collapse’ agenda, maybe lay off the romantic overtures for a hot minute. And of course, Taylor hasn’t responded, probably just sipping her tea and preparing her next Grammy acceptance speech for Best Response to Unwanted Advances. Who knows, we might get a ballad titled “Creepiness Level: Elon”! So, here’s hoping Grimes has a strong stomach, and we can only imagine what circles of hell Elon’s tweets put T-Swift through. Just remember folks, not all proposals come with a diamond ring—sometimes they come in the form of a bizarre tweet that makes you question humanity! Photo of Elon Musk spreading joy… or awkwardness, whichever you prefer.
Original Source: sfist.com