Apple Watch Series 10: When Upgrading Means Low Oxygen Levels!

Upgrading to the latest Apple Watch usually feels like trading in your old flip phone for James Bond’s Aston Martin. But hold on to your charging cables, because if you’re trading in your Apple Watch Series 6, 7, 8, or 9 for the shiny new Series 10 or Ultra 2, you might just be leaving a crucial feature in the dust—hello, blood oxygen sensor! Why the drama, you ask? Apparently, Apple stepped on the toes (and possibly some patents) of healthtech company Masimo, kind of like using your neighbor’s Wi-Fi without asking. Back in 2013, Apple reached out to Masimo, likely thinking, “Hey, let’s chat about collaboration,” but according to Masimo, it was more like “let’s figure out which of your employees to swipe!” Masimo claims that the meetings served as a treasure map for Apple to discover insights into the magical world of blood oxygen monitoring technology. Naturally, when Apple hired some Masimo bigwigs shortly after, the alarm bells rang faster than a school bell on the last day of classes. Fast forward to today, and the International Trade Commission (ITC) said, “Sorry, Apple! No blood oxygen for you!” Just like that, anyone who wants to sport a Series 10 will be oxygen-level-less (or, as some might say, breathing without a safety net). The good news? If you’ve already got a watch with blood-oxygen capabilities, you can keep your little health-monitoring buddy—no expiration date on those! But brands like Wired are out there shaking their heads, quipping that it’s a shame that while rockets land perfectly back on Earth, Apple can’t manage to keep basic health stats on its latest timepiece. Can you imagine? Fitness trackers have it all, while iPhones are, you know, still arguing with each other on social media. So, what’s the Apple solution? Well, the ITC ruling gives Apple a chance to license the technology from Masimo. Think of it like borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbor. They might say no at first, but you know there’s always the sweet possibility of a deal in the end. Apple’s all, “Hey, it’s our tech!” while Masimo’s like, “Uh, it’s our tech, too!” It’s an impasse that’s more dramatic than a soap opera love triangle. So, Apple, why not just put on your negotiation hat and play nice temporarily? You could license the tech, keep customers smiling, and save those sleek new wrist gadgets from going on the market looking about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. If it turns out Apple wins the legal tug-of-war later, they can always chase after those sweet patent royalties like kids going after Halloween candy. In the meantime, customers can keep on holding their breath when they think about upgrading—literally!
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